With the intensity of a Gatling gun, David Wanetick sets forth insightful analysis that will help you further your career and make better investments. Before you make your next business or investment decision:
- Are you sure you haven't inappropriately extrapolated historic data onto forward projections?
- Have you considered how mafia influence or corruption may impact the related companies?
- Will your next business initiative be a victim of capacity head-fakes? Of technology overfitting? Of agency issues?
- How are companies that you are involved with insulating themselves from the Las Vegas Conundrum? From platform dependence? From market spoilage? From the Icarus Paradox? How fragile are their business models and what steps are they taking to reduce their fragility?
- To what extent are companies positioned to benefit from stakeholder alignment and internal consistency? How much leverage and optionality is inherent in their business models? How portable are the business models?
- Did you conduct both analog and antilog analysis? Did you set decision tripwires so that you can more easily pivot as new information becomes available?
David Wanetick reveals his groundbreaking analysis into emerging business models such as those of on-demand taxis, home sharing, bitcoin, music streaming, crowdfunding, marijuana dispensaries, electronic cigarettes, flash sales operators, freemium businesses, massive open online course operators (MOOCs), cloud storage and 3-D printers.
David Wanetick is the CEO of Business Model Validation, a research firm with an expertise in assessing the investment merits of emerging companies. He actively researches and scrutinizes the investment positions of hedge funds and private equity funds. He also has an expertise in patent valuation. David developed the Certified Emerging Company Analyst and Devil's Advocate Auditor designations, both offered through the Business Development Academy. He lives in Princeton, New Jersey and Concord, California with his wife and three children.